Thursday 21 June 2012

Beyond Arizona . . . a Post for Mr. Gilchrist

It all began on a cool early morning a few weeks ago. The heat hadn't touch down, but I am sure that it was on its way. Moving quickly - the wheels found the pavement and off we went. Faster than you could say Carls Jr., the colors changed and the the air found a cooler way to blow. Windmills, houses, trees, cows, sheep, trucks, and dirt were all but a dream left behind to be pondered by some poor electric powered monster. A night in a small room and quick breakfast . . . Then mountains, hills, and the smell of rain and puke explosive celebrations in our minds. We venture on!

The love of Jesus found us in a quiet windless Oregon married to white carpet, brown couches, and no TV. Stop, screamed the suburb! Lilly loud snails and cherry trees are no match for the strep monster. Lights out!! Love of God. Thanks to the great medical debit card. All praise to penicillin.

Come to us Seattle. You beautiful green light and overcast madness. Join us "house of Christ" . . . Beer, Red Mill, and coffee all sprinkled with lovely Red Lettered double drums and a pretty good picture of me and the fam.

Dessert, my friend, was friends at the bottom Queen Ann topped with wine and late night conversations. To iron works we will travel - loose the disc, climb the mountain, fight the gas tank, and finally interrupt the misdirected GPS.

The end is coming. All the trolls plan a chase - us and me - through the Redwoods and down into the water. The end is a roller coasters of joy. Star Wars engaged with screams of silly 6 year olds is sure to be found before the touch down of tar and wheel mixed with the heat of day and all goes quiet.


Corey Gilchrist said...

Excellent. Thank you, Eric.

Layne Julia said...

that was awesome! it was fun to try and interpret all the's like a mystery poem!